Port information

PortUsed byBehaviorChanged by editing parameter
TCP 5000AirPlay RAOPWill use a dynamic port if unavailableAirPlayAudioTCPPort
TCP 5001AirPlay RAOP eventsWill use a dynamic port if unavailableAirPlayAudioEventTCPPort
TCP 7000AirPlay mediaWill use a dynamic port if unavailableAirPlayVideoTCPPort
TCP 7100AirPlay legacy mirroringFixed port - cannot be changed. Only needed to support iOS 6 & older N/A
TCP 49152AirPlay mirroringWill use a dynamic port if unavailableAirPlayDynamicMirroringTCPPort
UDP 6010-6012AirPlay audioWill use AirPlayAudioUDPPort,
AirPlayAudioUDPPort+1 &
UDP 51563MiracastWill use a dynamic port if unavailable (configured on local firewall only)N/A
TCP 80, 443, 8008, 8009Google Cast N/A
UDP 53, 123, 1900Google Cast N/A
UDP 5353Apple Bonjour N/A


Below are a set of commands you can use to hardcode the ports for AirServer Universal. In order to run these commands, you need to navigate to the correct folder first. You can do so by entering cd "%programfiles%/App Dynamic/AirServer/" into an elevated command prompt first.


Afterward, you can use the following AirServerConsole commands to configure the ports:

AirServerConsole.exe set AirPlayVideoTCPPort 7000
AirServerConsole.exe set AirPlayAudioTCPPort 5000
AirServerConsole.exe set AirPlayAudioUDPPort 6010
AirServerConsole.exe set AirPlayDynamicMirroringTCPPort 0
AirServerConsole.exe set AirPlayAudioEventTCPPort 5001

Please note that, unfortunately, it is not possible to edit these for our other applications.

To get a complete list of configurable properties, run:

  AirServerConsole.exe /?


These ports can also be set using installer properties:


Bonjour services

AirServer Universal uses the following Bonjour services:

  • _airplay._tcp 
  • _googlecast._tcp 
  • _display._tcp 
  • _airserver._tcp 
  • _raop._tcp